eLearning Services Media Pro team provides media production support for the creation of digital video, audio, and graphics projects. Our team is composed primarily of students enrolled in the Media Communications degree program here at Lawrence Tech. Got an idea but you're not sure how to proceed? We can help all the way from pre-production through your finished piece. 

  • Provides support for recording and editing video of academic events
  • Provides support for streaming video
  • Converts video and audio to alternative media formats 
  • Supports development of interactive simulations and games
  • Supports development of interactive presentations, including PowerPoint, Captivate, and other programs
  • Creates graphics for use within course material

Media production can assist with video or digital media needs including video, podcasts, interactive presentations, and simulations.  Contact the eLearning Services Media Production team at mediapro@rahpouyanschool.com to discuss specific needs.